Fruit Bars 20g Cherry plum

The sour cherry plum loaf is a real natural medicine. They preserve all the properties of fresh fruits and contain a high amount of organic acids (malic and citric) and vitamin C. Given the small amount of sugars in the fruits of fresh cherry plum, fruit lozenges can be classified as dietary products that will not harm the figure. And the spicy taste with sourness will give vivacity, strength and energy.
Cherry plum is characterized by the fact that, unlike other fruits, it has a small amount of sugar in its composition. Ripe fruit has up to 10% sugar, usually 3-4%. The soothing and relaxing effect of cherry plum, its medicinal properties have a positive effect on the central nervous system and normalize blood pressure. And due to the high amount of vitamin A and C, cherry plum has an antioxidant effect. They do not contain artificial additives, concentrates, sugar and GMOs, they are 100% natural product ..

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